I just re-watched the final James Bond movie, No Time to Die. It was a long movie. Much of the audience was probably half-asleep by the time the evil genius finally introduced his existential threat.
The threat, however, was quite plausible - nanobots (microscopic robots) designed to kill people with a particular DNA. The Chinese (and probably the U.S.) are hard at work on this technology.
The reason I just mentioned nanobots targeting people is because the DNA collection company, 23 and Me, was hacked last year. Yikes! They also just went bankrupt this week.
The Chinese probably have your DNA. What could possibly go wrong?
Below is an interesting new statistic. I watch cat videos, orangutan videos, tornado videos, and funny memes on X (Twitter) every day.
One of my favorite types of videos is when an armed robber tries to pull a gun in an open-carry state. The shopkeeper has a gun, the guy buying a soda has a gun, and even the little schoolteacher buying a greeting card has a gun.
Are you anti-gun? Do you wish the government would "just round up all of the guns?" Look at the numbers, ma'am. Right or wrong, that ship has sailed. Before you get all mad at me, please just look at the numbers...
Different tidbit: Suppose you are a regular buyer of U.S. Treasury bonds. You used to worry about the commitment of the U.S. to ever balance its budget again. Another deficit this year? It's even larger?
Now you're worried over the ability of the U.S. to even service its debt. Forget about ever repaying the principal. America may soon be unable to even pay the interest.
Along comes Elon Musk and DOGE. Musk and his troops have found on the order of $390 billion in wasteful spending already. If DOGE can save a trillion a year, and the new tariffs can bring in another $600 billion per year, maybe there is hope...
When the next great recession hits, you will CRY
because you didn't build loan servicing income!
Your hopes as a bond buyer are being dashed. A bunch of crazies are now attacking Musk, Tesla, and Tesla cars. "How dare Elon Musk interfere with the ability of our leaders to loot the US Treasury?!"
And guess what? The crazies are winning! Musk is losing weight. He is looking haggard. His posts on X are getting sadder and even more depressed.
What are the crazies going to do when Elon Musk quits DOGE and quits finding more government waste and and outright theft?
When Elon finally says, "Forget you, crazies!" and steals the $47 they had in their banks accounts, international bond investors may begin to give up on America.
International bond investors could genuinely begin to believe that America will be the next Weimar Germany. Instead of being saddled with reparations, America is saddled with ever-increasing interest payments.
Stocks and bonds would likely crash if Elon Musk ever quit. The retirement accounts of these guilty Tesla attackers (along with those of everyone else's) would be smashed. I am talking about YOUR retirement account.
If peace talks between Putin and Trump break down, or if bitcoin finally blows up, or if China invades Taiwan (China just unveiled five enormous new landing craft), or if Trump / Musk got assassinated, or if ... how would your stocks fare?
The investors in our fractionalized trust deeds might not care. As long as the borrowers on their particular loans kept making their payments, they would be unaffected.
Remember, Blackburne & Sons is not a hard money mortgage fund. Mortgage funds always fail during great recessions - 100% of them. We watched them all fail during the S&L Crisis, the Dot-Com Meltdown, and the Great Recession.
We survived all three crashes. We here at Blackburne & Sons have been in business since 1980. This is our 45th year in business. We know better than to use a fund.
Instead, we sell tiny pieces of commercial loans to accredited investors. They are called fractionalized interests. These loans are vested directly in the names of each investor. "Robert and Mary Smith, husband and wife, as Joint Tenants, as to an undivided 2.56% of the loan."
Are you invested in a hard money mortgage fund? Your fund will fail in the next great recession, not because the loans themselves went horribly bad, but rather because your fund sponsor failed. These guys can't stay in business and keep servicing loans unless they are constantly making new loans and earning new loan fees. Just remember, I warned you. I told you so.
He even looks guilty. Haha! My son,
Tom, has a Golden Retriever. What a good boy.