Commercial Loans and Fun Blog

Please, Mr. Trump, Don't Go To France

Posted by George Blackburne on Thu, Dec 5, 2024

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Five years ago, the Catholic Cathedral at Notre Dame in France was burned to the ground.  Fortunately, many priceless relics were recovered and preserved from the blaze, including a Crown of Thorns many believe was worn by Jesus Christ on the day of his crucifixion.

It could have been an accident.  No culprits have ever been named.  Maybe it was an electrical fire or the result of a cigarette butt.

But this fire was far from an isolated event.  Worldwide, hundreds of Christian churches have been vandalized or torched over the past seven years or so. 


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The Jews are probably thinking to themselves, "Welcome to our world."  It seems like a different synagogue is vandalized or set ablaze every week.

We don't know for sure who is doing it; but one thing I know for sure -

It is extremely dangerous for
Donald Trump to fly to France

for the Opening Ceremony on Saturday.  In fact, it is insane.


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Who's wants Donald Trump dead?  Let me count the ways.

  1. How about the billionaires on Epstein's List?  Most of these guys hire mercenaries as part of their security details.  These mercs know other mercs, guys who do black operations.  If you were a billionaire facing public exposure, financial destruction of your business empire, arrest, jail, trial, rape in prison, and a very short life expectancy - well, would you miss a lousy $75 million to assassinate Trump?

  2. How about the billionaire entertainers on Diddy's list?  Some really awful stuff allegedly happened at his parties.  Roofies.  Rape.  Children.  These billionaire entertainers have security details.  They employ a few mercs.  Same plan.

  3. How about the Iranians?  Trump is going to choke them financially until their Supreme Leader and his Revolutionary Guards are overthrown.  There is no love for Trump there.  Personally, I think the Iranians are already close to tapping out.  They may end of being the patsies - the fall guys - for the real assassins.

  4. How about the ten bazillion Muslims in Paris?  It takes just one suicide bomber, and the globalists will gladly provide the equipment.  We could have two or three of these guys, hired by independent billionaires, bumping into to each other trying to get close enough to detonate.

  5. How about the Israelis?  Aid to Israel is likely to plummet under Trump.  I sure wouldn't want the Mossad coming after me.

  6. What about the Ukrainians?  Not only is Trump likely to sharply reduce aid to Ukraine, he is also likely to expose the corruption in our "military" aid packages.

  7. Finally, and most dangerous, we have the globalists - the insanely rich guys who attend the big conference at Davos.  Their recent attempt to take over the United States was thwarted by Trump.  Had the Democrats won, the migrants would quickly have been granted the power to vote.  After that, the Republic would have been all but over.  Billionaires don't like not getting their own way.


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In France, we could have three or four different groups of assassins competing against each other, bumping into each other like an episode of the Keystone Cops.  This trip is insane!

Please, Mr. Trump, don't go to France!


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