Commercial Loans and Fun Blog

Grab a Beer and Talk to Old George About Commercial Loans - No Cost

Posted by George Blackburne on Thu, Apr 30, 2020

beerOne of the things I miss about working in San Jose, California years ago is that after work, the guys in my lending industry would meet for a beer.  I would often learn more from my buddies in one beer session than I would from weeks of actually working in the industry.

I miss those days.

Therefore this Monday, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, I am going to hold a Zoom bullshit session to just chat, share, and gossip about the amazing happenings in commercial real estate finance.


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I truly believe that this is one of the greatest money-making opportunities of our lives. The competition has been devastated, leaving the whole market ripe for us commercial loan guys.

There is no cost to attend, but I would really like it if each of you hold up a beer, a wine, or a mixed drink to show you truly grasp the spirit of the occasion.  This chat is supposed to be, first of all, fun; but I suspect you'll learn some interesting things as well.

I have no idea idea if any of you guys will be interested in just sitting around drinking for awhile, so maybe only two or three of us will show up.  On the other hand, perhaps many of you are as bored as I am.  Maybe there will be ten of us.


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There is no fixed agenda.  This is not a training class.  I'll make a few observations about how to survive and prosper in a weird market like this, but after that, the floor is open to anyone to chat about anything related to commercial real estate finance.  

To get into the meeting, please write to me, George Blackburne III (the old man), at for your Zoom instructions.

I literally get 1,350 emails every single day, seven days per week, so it is please VERY important that your subject line read, "Beer Drinking With George."


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Once again, there is no cost to join us; but you are expected to knock back a few drinks, just to keep the jokes and laughs coming.  We're all just a few buddies meeting for a beer after work.  You even get to tell your wife, "Honey, I know its only 2:00 p.m. on the West Coast, but George is making me drink."  :-)

I'll ask everyone to turn on their cameras, so we can bond.  I'll be wearing sweat clothes, and I'll have bed hair, so please don't worry about your appearance.  Ladies, feel free to wear your bikini's, as you visit Porcho Myarda. :-)


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Once again, to get into the meeting, please write to me, George Blackburne III (the old man), at for your Zoom instructions.  Please make sure your Subject Line says, "Beer Drinking With George."

Commercial Mortgage Rates Today:

Here are today's commercial mortgage interest rates on permanent loans from banks, SBA 7a loans, CMBS permanent loans from conduits, and commercial construction loans.

Be sure to bookmark our new Commercial Loan Resource Center, where you will always find the latest interest rates on commercial loans; a portal where you can apply to 750 different commercial lenders in just four minutes; four HUGE databanks of commercial real estate lenders; a Glossary of Commercial Loan Terms, including such advanced terms as defeasance, CTL Financing, this strange new Debt Yield Ratio (which is different from the Debt Service Coverage Ratio), mezzanine loans, preferred equity, and hundreds of other advanced terms; and a wonderful Frequently Asked Questions section, which is designed to train real estate investors and professionals in the advanced subject areas of commercial real estate finance ("CREF").

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