Commercial Loans and Fun Blog

Why Apartment Rents May Increase Sharply

Posted by George Blackburne on Sun, Jun 23, 2024

Screen Shot 2024-06-22 at 4.18.51 PMThe following excellent article was recently published on LinkedIn by Michael Comparato, President and Head of Commercial Real Estate at BSP/Franklin Templeton (NYSE: FBRT):


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Of the $6 trillion of outstanding commercial real estate (CRE) debt, approximately $3 trillion is held within our banking system. Of that $3 trillion, approximately 70% is with regional and community banks. 

There’s a reason why regional and community banks have all but stopped lending for the past 18 months.  It's not because things are good.  We are in the early days of a meaningful regional and community bank crisis, period, hard stop.


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And while the banking system represents approximately 50% of the overall CRE credit market, banks historically have represented a meaningfully higher percentage (70%?) of construction lending for multifamily assets. 

Are we dealing with an oversupply of multifamily in certain markets?  Yes.  But its a short-term oversupply.  Reminder, the US has had a chronic housing shortage for decades…and after “all” this supply comes online, guess what?  We’ll still have a multi-million unit housing shortage. 


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With banks on the sidelines, and staying there for the foreseeable future, supply is falling off a cliff. Multifamily starts are half of what they were a year ago.  They are only headed in one direction…down. 

2026, 2027, 2028 will go back to strong multifamily rent growth years because of the lack of supply.


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Topics: apartment shortage