Commercial Loans and Fun Blog

The Problem With Securitized Commercial Loans

Posted by George Blackburne on Thu, Jan 7, 2016

Trophy.jpgYears ago the interest rates on commercial loans offered by life insurance companies were much-much-MUCH lower than those offered by any other commercial lender.  By the way, in commercial real estate finance (CREF), life insurance companies are known as life companies.

Man, if you could obtain a commercial loan from a life company, you were sitting in clover.  Your interest rate would be almost 80 basis points (0.80%) lower than a commercial loan from the next best lender.  On a loan of $10 million, that's real money.  The problem, of course, is that only the top 2% of all commercial loans can qualify for a life company loan.  I blogged on this reality recently.

Then, about 15 years ago, Wall Street figured out how to securitize commercial loans.  Here's how the process works.  The money center banks - huge banks like Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank, J.P. Morgan Chase - and the conduits would originate about $1 billion worth of commercial first mortgages on the four major food groups: multifamily, office, retail, and industrial properties.  These mortgages would then be sold to a trust, and the trust would then issue bonds to the investing public backed by the commercial loans held by the trust.  These bonds were known as commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS's).




Now we come to the key step.  These CMBS bonds would then be rated according to risk by one of the rating agencies, like Fitch, Moody's, Standard & Poors, a new rating agency named Kroll Bond Ratings, and Morningstar.  Once rated, many of these CMBS bonds become eligible for purchase by pension trusts.  Yummy.  Pension trusts love-love-love investment grade CMBS bonds, and therefore the yields that the underwriters have to offer in the marketpace to sell these bonds is super-low, often less than 3%.

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Bottom line, when commercial loans are securitized, they can be sold off at really low interest rates.  Hooray!  Now we have a true competitor to the life companies.  Conduits today are offering large commercial loans today (1/7/16) at around 4.125%, only about 25 to 35 basis points higher than the low rates offered by life companies.  More importantly, the loan does not have to be absolutely perfect.  The building can be a little older.  The property could be in a smaller city.  The location doesn't need to be the single best location in the city.  Conduits can make loans in secondary locations.  Not every car driving by has to be a Lexus or a Mercedes.  CMBS lenders (money center banks and conduits) make about 23% in dollar volume of all commercial loans today.

By the way, a conduit is defined as a specialized kind of mortgage company that originates large, plain vanilla commercial mortgages for their eventual sale to a CMBS trust.  The word "conduit" is short for real estate mortgage investment conduit (REMIC).




Now we are finally able to discuss the point of today's training article.  There is a big problem with securitized commercial loans.  Securitized commercial loans include the CMBS loans being made by conduits, the subprime commercial loans made by Bayview Financial in the early 2000's, and the non-prime commercial loans being made by Velocity and Cherrywood today. The good news is that these securitized commercial loans have a very low interest rate and very low monthly payments.

The problem with securitized commercial loans is that they burden the borrower's commercial property for ten years - making the property difficult to sell and economically impossible to refinance.

Here's why: The buyers of commercial mortgage-backed bonds are insistent that these bonds have a fixed interest rate. The reason why is because life insurance companies and defined benefit pension plans need to know exactly what they are going to earn, so they can be sure that they have enough dough to meet their actuarial projections (a certain number of people die or retire every year).

Therefore securitized commercial loans have enormous prepayment penalties (sometimes almost impossible to believe). To make matters worse, they all prohibit junior financing

Let's suppose a borrower accepts a $6.8 million securitized commercial loan on a $10 million building. Six years later, the building is worth $13 million. Did you know that a prospective buyer would have to put $6.2MM (48%) down!  Remember, the seller is not allowed to carry back a second mortgage.  The purchase has to be cash-to-loan.  In other words, the buyer has to put enough money down so that there is only a first mortgage.

The alternative is equally unattractive.  The seller could simply suck it up and pay the prepayment penalty on his existing first mortgage.  But the problem here is that defeasance prepayment penalties are enormous.  In our example here, the seller might have to pay a $1.2 million defeasance prepayment penalty.

Either way - trying to sell a property when the buyer has to put 48% down or making the seller pay a $1.2 million prepayment pealty - yikes!

I would argue that bank commercial loans - or even private money commercial loans with no prepayment penalty - are much better than securitized commercial loans.  The interest rate and monthly payments will admittedly be higher, but at least the seller is not tied to a chair.


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Topics: Securitzied commercial loans

Commercial Loans and a Primer on Trusts

Posted by George Blackburne on Sun, Jan 3, 2016

Trust_Agreement.jpgMany commercial loans are made to trusts.  How well do you really understand trusts?  Investopedia defines a trust as follows:  A fiduciary relationship in which one party, known as a trustor, gives another party, the trustee, the right to hold title to property or assets for the benefit of a third party, the beneficiary.  [Yawn]  I am falling aslseep here!  C'mon, George, how about a jazzier explanation?

Suppose I am a filthy rich robber baron.  A robber baron is a popular finance expression to describe an unscrupulous American capitalist who acquired his fortune and power by ruthless means. Famous examples of robber barons include J.P. Morgan (banking), Andrew Carnegie (steel), Andrew W. Mellon (banking), and John D. Rockefeller (oil).  These are the guys who broke the heads of union strikers with bats and who used insider information and dirty deals to build their fortunes.

"Behind every great fortune lies a great crime." -- Honore de Balzac

As a filthy rich robber baron, I win the affections of a beautiful wife.  My wife is 25 years younger than me. She is gorgeous and loving; and she bears me three wonderful young children.  I adore her.  Unfortunately my sweet trophy wife is as dumb as a rock, and I worry about what will happen to her and our young kids when I die.  (I am not talking about my own beautiful wife, Cisca, who was once our company's Controller and who is far-far-FAR quicker than me.  I am talking about our imaginary robber baron with the daffy wife.)




Therefore, I, the filthy rich robber baron, go to Ron, my trusted friend of 45 years, and ask him if he will please manage my family's money after I die for the benefit my wife and kids.  He agrees.  In my will I set up a testamentary trust into which I transfer all of my bank accounts, stock accounts, real estate, and ownership of my companies.

In this story, the rich robber baron is the trustor or settlor (same thing) of the trust.  I set up the trust.  Hence the name, "settlor".  My trusted friend, Ron, is the the trustee.  The trustee follows my instructions contained in the trust agreement.  He does this to provide a comfortable living for my lovely widow (who is now dating our handsome chauffeur) and a college education for my kids (the last of whom looks an awful lot like the chauffeur).  My wife and kids are the beneficiaries of the trust.

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Per the trust agreement, Ron invests all of my great wealth into a diversified portfolio of investment grade bonds.  An investment grade bond is defined as a bond rated BBB or better by Standard & Poors.  By the way, a great many (tons and tons of) trust agreements only allow the trustee to invest in investment grade bonds.  This is why a BBB bond rating is so coveted.  These bonds will provide the income for my hapless wife and our three minor children.

In my story, you will recall that I created this trust in my will.  Such a trust is called a testamentary trust, as in "Last Will and Testament".  Now such a trust is obviously irrevocable because - helloooo? - I am dead.  A trust that cannot be changed is known as an irrevocable trust.  

But a settlor or trustor (same thing) does NOT have to be dead to create an irrevocable trust.  A huge benefit of an irrevocable trust is that it provides substantial protection from creditors. Once assets are transferred to the trust, they no longer belong to the settlor; rather, they become the legal property of the trustee to hold for the beneficiaries.




For example:

Let's talk about me, George III (the old man).  I own a commercial hard money mortgage company, and I assemble syndicates of wealthy private investors to make subprime, commercial first mortgage loans.  Back in 2005 I saw the crazy loans that my industry was making, and I greatly feared that a deflationary depression was coming.  I had been warning my investors for a decade that real estate values were poised to take an enormous dive, but the exact timing was unknown.  I even wrote a book about it.  My biggest fear was that my investors would blame me for the Great Recession and sue me.

Now if I had enjoyed great wealth at the time (I didn't), I would have created an irrevocable trust (I didn't) for the benefit of my three wonderful kids that would have been beyond the reach of creditors.  They would have had money for college and a small downpayment on a house.  By the way, my frank and dire warnings, along with my alarming book, probably saved my company.  Blessedly I wasn't blamed.  Almost all of my hard money competitors were sued out of existence.

Now let's have some fun.  Suppose I - I'm back to being the rich robber baron - had woken up in the middle of the night, and I had wanted to grab one of my cigars hidden in the garage.  To my horror, I find my young trophy wife doing the wild thing with my chauffeur in the back seat of my big, black Mercedes.  (Remember, this is just a story.  In real life I drive an immaculate, ten-year-old, white Infiniti.) 

Furious, I divorce my wife and change my will.  At the advice of my attorney, this time I create a living trust.  A living trust, which is also known as intervivos trust, is a trust that can be modified during the lifetime of the settler (trustor).   The beneficiary of this living trust is my curvaceous secretary, with whom I have been having an affair for ten years.  The nice thing about a living trust is that if I ever catch her "kissing" the UPS guy, I can easily change my trust again.

A great many wealthy couples today hold title to their assets in the name of a living trust.  This has the advantage of avoiding probate.  For underwriting purposes, lenders simply ignore the existence of the living trust.  A lender is not going to ask for a copy of a financial statement on the living trust because, in most cases, its the exact same thing as the borrower's personal financial statement.  When the loan is approved, a commercial lender will ask for a copy of the living trust, or an abstract of the living trust, just so he can verify who has the authority to sign on behalf of the trust.  An abstract is just a one-page or two-page summary of the important terms.

I keep telling you guys, be on the lookout for the business card of a banker making commercial loans.  You can parlay that single card into a free list of 2,000 commercial lenders.  We solicit these bankers to refer their turndowns to


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Are you a commercial loan broker?  If you are pre-registered on, you are far more likely to enter your next commercial loan into C-Loans.


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There has never been a better time to become a commercial mortgage broker.  More commercial loans are ballooning in 2016 than in any year in history.


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Do you need a commercial loan right now?  When you use, you fill out a single, super- short loan application.  You can then submit that one application to hundreds and hundreds of different commercial lenders to find that one lender who is hungry to make you a commercial loan today.


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Girls are not attracted to boys who have the word, "Desperate", written across their forehead.  They are, however, VERY attacted to boys with a pretty girl on their arm.  It's the same thing with bankers.  If another bank is chasing you, suddenly the bank is VERY interested in making you a loan.  Why not go into your bank with a commitment letter from Blackburne & Sons already in hand?  We charge absolutely nothing to issue you a loan approval letter, and we'll happily issue it in just 48 hours.  We're big boys.  We know you're shopping us.  We also know that fickle banks leave a lot of commercial borrowers standing at the altar looking stunned.


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Topics: Trusts

Land Loans and How To Find The Best One

Posted by George Blackburne on Sun, Dec 13, 2015

Raw_Land.jpgWho makes land loans today?  Where is the best place to find a good land loan?  Will you or your borrower qualify for a land loan?  How large of a land loan can you get?  Today we answer these questions, as well as discuss inadequately capitalized developers.

In the years leading up to the Great Recession, real estate developers were making a fortune  developing raw land.  They would buy farmland or scrub land, get it re-zoned, complete the horizontal improvements, and then quickly sell off the individual home-site lots for a small fortune to home builders.  Horizontal improvements are defined as grading the property, bringing utilities to each lot, and putting in streets, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters.

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At the time, commercial banks were making lots and lots of land loans and A&D loans.  An A&D loan is defined as an acquisition and development loan structured like a construction loan, where the construction budget includes the purchase price of the raw land, the hard costs of the horizontal improvements, the soft costs - including an interest reserve and sales commissions, and a contingency reserve of around 5% of hard and soft costs.




During the bubble in real estate prices leading up to the Great Recession, commercial banks were drinking the Kool-Aid and making A&D loans up to 70% of Total Cost.  Sometimes commercial banks were even going as high as 80% of Total Cost!  Insane.  No wonder there was a bubble.

You can guess how this story turned out.  The Great Recession destroyed the housing market, and land prices plummeted.  The banks foreclosed, the banks took huge loss, and Federal banking regulators slapped the snot out the banking industry for being so stupid.  Truly folks, the losses in land development lending were often 80% to 90%.

Why do we care?  Regulators have a long memory, and the absolute last loan that banking regulators want commercial banks to make today are land loans.  Therefore, unless a developer is as rich as Donald Trump and has a banking history with a particular local bank going back for 15 years, he is probably NOT going to be able to get a land loan or a land development loan from a commercial bank.




So who is making land loans today?  Answer:  Hard money lenders, like Blackburne & Sons.  Hard money lenders are true capitalists.  We'll make hard money loans, even when blood is running in the streets.  In fact, Blackburne & Sons was in the market making commercial loans every day of the Great Recession.


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But you don't have to apply strictly to Blackburne & Sons.  On there are at least 75 different commercial and land loan hard money lenders.  You fill out one short mini-app, check off six suggested lenders, and then press, "Submit."


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Will you qualify for a land loan?  How large of a land loan will you be able to get?  During an average market, hard money lenders will typically only advance up to around 40% loan-to-value on raw land.  In a rising market like today, Blackburne & Sons, for example, is pretty bullish on land loans.  We'll lend up to 50% loan-to-value on land to a good-credit borrower, and perhaps up to 60% of the land purchase price on a land development deal to a well-capitalized, experienced, and good-credit borrower. We're probably not unique among hard money lenders in terms of our bullishness on land today (12/13/15).

Now we FINALLY get to the point of today's training article.  I would like my own executives and loan officers (Ed!!) to pay special attention to the point that I am about to make.  We at Blackburne & Sons often see developers applying for a land.  They want a loan of 50% loan-to-value, and their exit strategy is to pay us off with a construction loan.

But wait a minute.  In my last blog article I pointed out that real estate developers are usually required to cover at least 20% of the Total Cost of the project.  They usually do this by bringing the land to the closing table (almost) free and clear.  If a developer has a big mortgage on his land, he won't be able to bring the land to the closing table free and clear.  He will never qualify for a construction loan to pay off his ballooning land loan!

Now, of course, if the developer has a BIG net worth, he can sell off some property to come up with the equity required by the construction lender.  Many developers also have a stable of passive investors who invest the equity in their deals in return for a share of the profits.  Other developers are very experienced at issuing private placements in order to raise their required equity.

But absent one of these three potential sources of equity, the land loan underwriter needs to be very careful about making a big land loan to a developer who claims that his exit strategy is a construction loan.  In order to qualify for a construction loan, most developers are supposed to bring the land to the construction loan closing table pretty much free and clear.

Do you enjoy my down to earth style of instruction?  Now is the time to become a commercial mortgage broker.  More commercial loans are ballooning in the next 12 months than in any similar period in history.


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Keep looking for a business card from a banker making commercial loans.  We'll trade you a list of 2,000 commercial lenders for the contents of that one business card.  We solicit these bankers to refer their turndowns to


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Have you registered on yet?  I am just talking about inputting your name, company, address, etc.  If you are pre-registered, you are far more likely to enter your next commercial loan into  If you pre-register, we'll give you a free $199 commercial mortgage underwriting manual.


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Topics: Land loans

Commercial Construction Lenders Require Equity From the Developer

Posted by George Blackburne on Sat, Dec 12, 2015

Apartment_Construction.jpgDevelopers, now is the time to apply for a commercial construction loan.  Mortgage brokers, now is the time to resume brokering commercial construction loans.  The economy is pretty healthy, and commercial banks are hungry to put their $2.7 trillion in excess reserves to work.  By the way, if you want a commercial construction loan, you will want to apply to a commercial bank, rather than to a mortgage company.  Commercial banks make 98% of all commercial construction loans.  However, developers, you need to have some skin in the game.

One of my commercial construction loan officers called me yesterday.  He had a developer who is building a $33 million apartment building in Florida.  The developer is buying the land for $2.7 million, and he has a term sheet for a purchase money first mortgage for $1.7 million.  He wanted a second mortgage on his purchase of the land for $800,000.  Who out there immediately spotted this as a goofy loan request?

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term sheet is defined as a loan proposal or conditional commitment letter (same thing) from a commercial real estate lender.  Appraisals and toxic reports are so expensive in commercial real estate finance that borrowers want at least a moral commitment from the bank before shelling out $4,500 to $8,000 for these third party reports.  A term sheet is legally worthless, but in real ife it means that the borrower is probably going to get the loan at the proposed terms, as long as the third party reports come back okay.




Now back to my story.  Why was this a goofy loan request?  Answer:

  1. No one makes second mortgages on land (other than sellers carrying back part of the purchase price).

  2. The bank is going to insist that the developer contribute at least 20% of the total cost of the project.  Normally - but not always - this means that the developer has to bring the land to closing table (almost) free and clear.  More on this below.


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Before we go any further, let's define a few terms.  The Total Cost of a commercial construction project is defined as the sum of the land costs, the hard costs, the soft costs, and the contingency reserve (normally equal to 5% of hard and soft costs).

Total Cost = Land Cost + Hard Costs + Soft Costs + Contingency Reserve

The Loan-to-Cost Ratio is the most important ratio in commercial construction loan underwriting.  The Loan-to-Cost Ratio is defined as the Construction Loan Amount divided by the Total Cost, times 100%.


Loan-to-Cost Ratio = (Construction Loan Amount / Total Cost) x 100%




Example:  Let's suppose a developer wants to build a three-unit industrial center in Austin, Texas.  He needs a $3.2 million construction loan, and his total cost is $3.8 million.  What is his Loan-To-Cost Ratio?

Loan-to-Cost Ratio = ($3,200,000 / $3,800,000) x 100% = 84.2%

This ratio is too high.  Unless the developer can raise more equity, the loan will be turned down.

For most commercial construction lenders, the Loan-to-Cost Ratio must not exceed 80.0%.  In other words, the developer must cover at least 20% of the Total Cost of the project.  This kind of makes sense.  The bank doesn't want to take all of the risk.  The developer must stand to lose some serious dough if the project goes South.  The developer must have some skin in the game.

Okay, now let's go back to the goofy commercial construction loan request I cited at the very beginning of this training article.  You will recall that it was a $33 million apartment construction loan request.  Well, we know that the developer and his investors are probably going to be required to contribute 20% of the $33 million Total Cost; i.e., $6.6 million. 

Now the developer is buying the land for $2.7 million.  He has a term sheet for a $1.7 million new first mortgage, and on top of that, he wanted an $800,000 second mortgage.  In other words, he was only contributing a $200,000 downpayment on a $33 million project.  His Loan-to-Cost Ratio was 99.4%!  Somebody has been partaking of that Colorado medicinal tobacco.  Ha-ha!

Remember, most commercial construction lenders want the developer to bring the land to the deal free and clear, or at least pretty close to free and clear.  In most commercial construction deals, the land represents between 20% to 25% of the Total Cost, and that, along with architectural and engineering fees, is where most developers have spent their required equity.

Do you know a banker who is making commercial real estate loans?  We'll trade you the contents of one banker's business card for a list of 2,000 commercial real estate lenders.  We solicit these guys to refer their turndowns to C-Loans.


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Topics: commercial construction loans

Commercial Loans and Single Asset, Bankruptcy Remote Entities

Posted by George Blackburne on Thu, Dec 3, 2015

Bankruptcy.jpgThe vast majority of all large commercial real estate loans today are made to single asset, bankruptcy remote entities.  This article will explain why.

About 30 years ago a lowlife scumbag was climbing on the roof of a retail building in New York City, looking for a way to break in and steal some of the inventory.  The roof was old, and this poor-poor lowlife scumbag fell through the roof and was severely injured.  This lowlife scumbag then had the audacity to sue the property owner for $6 million for negligently having an older roof and not warning him of the danger of collapse.  The brain dead jury found for the the lowlife scumbag!

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The property was not sufficiently insured for this kind of personal injury, and the older couple who owned the building held title in their personal names.  The lowlife scumbag was therefore able to seize the life's savings of this honest, hard-working, older couple.

After this astounding case, most commercial real estate investors transferred title to their properties into some sort of entity that had a corporate shield, initially a Subchapter-S corporation and later, after the limited liability company was adopted by the states in 1978, an LLC.




However, it wasn't enough to have title vested in an entity with a corporate shield, as the following imaginary story will explain.

Peter Printer owned the world's largest illustrated Bible printing business in the world.  His Bibles contained scores of full color illustrations, far more pictures than his nearest competitor.  Customers loved his Bibles, especially parents who read the Bible to their young children at night.  For thirty years Peter Printer made a wonderful income, and he invested his millions into a series of office buildings in Los Angeles.  He held title to both his successful printing business and his latest office building (he sold his smaller buildings and traded up) in the name Peter Printer Enterprises, LLC.

In 2017 Amazon came out with the Kindle VII, which allowed book printers to embed numerous short videos right into their e-books.  Clever Printing, LLC was the first Bible printer to embed short videos, scenes culled from scores of old Biblical movies, into their Bibles.  Their new Bibles were a smash hit, and Peter Printer's Bible sales plummeted.  Suffering from immense losses, Peter was even forced to use the rents from his investment property, the big office building, to prop up his Bible printing business.  He stopped making payments on his $8 million first mortgage from Statewide Regional Bank.




When Statewide Regional Bank stopped receiving payments, it filed foreclosure.  Ten days before the foreclosure sale, Peter Printer Enterprises, LLC filed a Chapter 11 (Reorganization) Bankruptcy.  For sixty days, Statewide Regional Bank was not allowed by the automatic stay of bankruptcy to do anything; but when the sixty days had run, the bank immediately filed a motion for relief of stay or, in the alternative, for the immediate appointment of a receiver to collect the $75,000 in rent generated by the beautiful, big office building.

To the bank's absolute horror, Peter's bankruptcy attorney was able to convince the bankruptcy court that the $75,000 per month in rent generated by the big office building was absolutely essential to Peter's plan of reorganization.  The company needed that $75,000 per month to pay the salaries of the printing company's employees while the company developed its own video-embedded Bible.  

For three years the bankruptcy court forbade the bank from foreclosing, during which time the leases of 70% of the tenants came up for renewal.  With no money to pay for repairs and upgrades to the office suites and no money to pay for leasing commissions, a Biblical Exodus of tenants ensued.  By the time the bank was finally granted relief from the stay, the building was severely rundown and almost empty.  The bank had originally made an $8 million loan.  It lost all of its interest income and limped home with just $5.25 million of its original principal.

Are you learning anything today?  This is how I teach commercial real estate finance.  I try to use lots and lots of "real-life" stories.  In the 200-year history of the industry, this year is the single best year to becomes a commercial mortgage broker.  More commercial loans are ballooning this year than any year in history.


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What mistake did Statewide Regional Bank make?  They made a large commercial loan to an entity that that owned more than one asset.  They got caught up in the bankruptcy troubles of Peter's printing business.  The bank did not make a loan to a single asset, bankruptcy remote entity.  Had Peter, as a condition of the loan, transferred title to the large office building into a stand-alone LLC with no other assets, the troubles of Peter's printing business would not have delayed the bank's foreclosure.  The bank would not have taken a financial bath.


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It amazes me that more people don't take advantage of the following offer.  Give us the contact info of a banker making commercial loans, and we'll give you a list of 2,000+ commercial real estate lenders.  2,000+ for one.  Helloooo?


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Topics: Single Asset Entities

Life Insurance Company Correspondents

Posted by George Blackburne on Fri, Nov 27, 2015

life_insurance_company_loans.jpgLife insurance companies offer by far the lowest interest rates on large commercial permanent loans. You will recall that a permanent loan is just a garden variety first mortgage on a commercial property, with a term of at least 5 years and with at least some amortization, typically 25 years.

Interest rates on commercial real estate loans from life insurance companies are typically 25 to 37.5 basis points lower than those offered by conduits, and they are often only 25 basis points higher than the prime residential mortgage rate.  In other words, if an A-quality borrower can obtain a conforming, 30-year, fixed rate loan of 3.5% on his home today, a life company might make a 10-year, fixed rate, commercial permanent loan at around 3.75%.




In most cases, a borrower will NOT be able to obtain a new permanent loan from a life insurance company by applying directly to the life insurance company.

When you are the prettiest girl at the dance, lots and lots of guys want to ask you to dance. Screening twenty loan requests per day takes a lot of time. In addition, it doesn't make sense for most life insurance companies to open regional offices throughout the country, especially when the typical life company makes fewer than 30 loans per year.  Please note, however, that when a life insurance does make a new commercial permanent loan, it is usually a very large loan.


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Therefore most life companies employ correspondents. A correspondent is a commercial mortgage company that has the exclusive right to make commercial loans in a given region for a particular life company. The correspondent does all of the site inspections for prospective loans in that region for that life company.

The correspondent then services the loan (collects the payments and handles any foreclosures) for that life company.  The amount of the loan servicing fee is tiny - typically just 12.5 basis points per year - but life insurance company loans are typically huge.  For example, 12.5 basis points on a $20 million loan is a healthy $25,000 per year.




As I mentioned in another recent blog article about life insurance companies, most borrowers and brokers could live three life times and never have a commercial loan attractive enough for a life insurance company.  Life insurance companies are looking for the following types of commercial loans:

  1. The commercial loan must be secured by one of the four major food groups - which is just commercial mortgage lingo for (1) Multifamily; (2) Office; (3) Retail; or (4) Industrial.

  2. The property should be either brand new or in pristine condition.

  3. The property needs to be located in a primary location.  A primary location is one of the very best locations in a gateway city in terms of traffic count, accessibility, and affluence of the neighborhood.  In other words, a lot of Lexus'es, Mercedes, and BMW's need to be driving by.  You will rarely find a life company lending in a city of less than 400,000 residents.

  4. The loan amount must usually exceed $5 million.  You will occassionally see life companies making commercial real estate loans as small as $3 million, but these small deals are usually made on properties leased on a triple net basis to some incredibly strong tenant, like Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, or some other national credit tenant.  A national credit tenant is a company rated BBB or better by Standard & Poor's.

  5. Life company loans rarely exceed 55% to 58% loan-to-value.  They are designed for deals where the buyer is exchanging into the property with an enormous down payment.


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Remember, if you were to call a life insurance company directly, the company receptionist will usually ask you for the location of the property and then refer you to the appropriate correspondent. Don't get a broken nose over this.  This is just how life companies originate their commercial loans.  They almost always use exclusive correspondents.

You can apply to a dozen different life company correspondents using


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Debt Yield Ratio in Commercial Real Estate Finance

Posted by George Blackburne on Thu, Nov 26, 2015

When it comes to a commercial mortgage loan, the most important issue to most borrowers is not, "What is the interest rate?".  Most banks and conduits offer interest rates that are within 0.25% of each other.  Instead, commercial mortgage borrowers are most concerned about, "How large of a commercial loan can I get?"

In the past, the size of your new commercial loan was limited by either the Loan-To-Value Ratio or the Debt Service Coverage Ratio.  For example, the lender might say, "We will lend up to 75% loan-to-value, but the loan must also satisfy a 1.25 debt service coverage ratio.


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In the past, it was the debt service coverage ratio that was the true limiting ratio.  For example, a lender might say, "I see that you are buying this commercial property for $10 million.  In terms of loan-to-value ratio, you could qualify for a loan of $7.5 million.  However, in order to satisfy the 1.25 debt service coverage requirement, the largest loan we can make you is $7.1 million (71% LTV)."

Unfortunately, there is now a third sheriff in town, and this new ratio is limiting commercial loan sizes even more.  This new underwriting ratio in commercial real estate finance is called the Debt Yield Ratio, and this ratio is limiting large commercial loans to just 58% to 63% loan-to-value.

The Debt Yield Ratio is defined as the Net Operating Income (NOI) divided by the first mortgage debt (loan) amount, times 100%.  For example, let's say that a commercial property has a NOI of $437,000 per year, and some conduit lender has been asked to make a new first mortgage loan in the amount of $6,000,000.  Four-hundred thirty-seven thousand dollars divided by $6,000,000 is .073.  Multiplied by 100% produces a Debt Yield Ratio of 7.3%.  What this means is that the conduit lender would enjoy a 7.3% cash-on-cash return on its money if it foreclosed on the commercial property on Day One.

Please notice that this new Debt Yield Ratio  does not even look at the cap rate used to value the property.  It does not consider the interest rate on the commercial lender's loan, nor does it factor in the amortization of the lender's loan; e.g., 20 years versus 25 years.  The only factor that the Debt Yield Ratio considers is how large of a loan the commercial lender is advancing compared to the property's NOI.  This is intentional.  Commercial lenders and CMBS investors want to make sure that low interest rates, low caps rates, and high leverage never again push real estate valuations to sky-high levels.

So what is an acceptable Debt Yield Ratio?  For many years the answer was 10.0%.  This was the lowest number that most conduit lenders were using to determine the maximum size of their advances.  In our example above, the subject commercial property generated a NOI of $437,000.  Four-hundred thirty-seven dollars divided by 0.10 (10% expressed as a decimal) would suggest a maximum loan amount of $4,370,000.

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Typically a Debt Yield Ratio of 10% produces a loan-to-value ratio between 58% to 63%, about the maximum level of leverage that the current CMBS B-piece buyers would allow.

That being said, the market is ravenous for commercial mortgage backed securities.  Competition for product, coupled the market's voracious for appetite for commercial mortgage-backed bonds, is putting downward pressure on the Debt Yield Ratio.  If the loan is large and the commercial property unusually desirable, conduits are making commercial loans today with Debt Yield Ratio's as low as 9.0%.  Average deals, however, are still limited to a minimum Debt Yield Ratio of 10.0%

It is the money center banks and investment banks originating fixed-rate, conduit-style commercial loans that are using the new Debt Yield Ratio.  Commercial banks, lending for their own portfolio, and most other commercial lenders have NOT adopted the Debt Yield Ratio.  The banks need to actually close loans.

You will notice in my definition of the Debt Yield Ratio that I used as the "debt" only the amount of the first mortgage debt.  The reason why I threw in the word "first mortgage" is because more and more new conduit deals involve a mezzanine loan at the time of origination.  The existence of a sizable mezzanine loan behind the first mortgage does NOT affect the size of the conduit's new first mortgage, at least as far as this ratio is concerned.

Will conduit's ever accept a Debt Yield ratio of less than 10.0%?  Yes, if the property is very attractive, and it is located in a primary market, like Washington, DC; New York; Boston; or Los Angeles - an area where cap rates are exceedingly low (4.5% to 5%) - a conduit lender might consider a Debt Yield as low as 9.0%.

Debt yields are also coming down.  The CMBS market is ravenous for commercial mortgage loans, so debt yield ratios of 9% are becoming commonplace.  I predict that within 18 months the minimum-acceptable Debt Yield Ratio will finally stabilze at around 8.0%.  (George's note:  I recently - 11/25/15 - updated this popular blog article, and so far 9.0% is still as low as conduits will accept.  Time will tell whether Debt Yield Ratios ever get as low as 8.0%.)

Why did the conduit industry start to use the Debt Yield Ratio?  For over 50 years commercial real estate lenders determined the maximum size of their commercial mortgage loans using the Debt Service Coverage Ratio.  For example, a commercial lender might insist that the Net Operating Income (NOI) of the property be at least 125% of the proposed annual debt service (loan payments).

But then, in the mid-2000's, a problem started to develop.  Bonds investors were ravenous for commercial mortgage-backed securities, driving yields waaaaay down.  As a result, commercial property owners could regularly obtain long-term, fixed rate conduit loans in the range of 6% to 6.75%. 

At the same time, dozens of conduits were locked in a bitter battle to win more conduit loan business.  Each promised to advance more dollars than the other.  Loan-to-value ratio's crept up from 70% to 75% and then to 80% ... and then up to 82%!  Commercial property investors could achieve a historically huge amount of leverage, while locking in a long-term, fixed-rate loan at a very attractive rate.

Not surprisingly, the demand for standard commercial real estate (the four basic food groups - multifamily, office, retail, industrial) soared.  Cap rates plummeted, and prices bubbled-up to sky-high levels.

When the bubble popped, conduit lenders found that many of their loans were significantly upside down.  The borrowers owed far more than the properties were worth.  The lenders swore to never let this happen again.  The CMBS industry therefore adopted a new financial ratio - the Debt Yield Ratio - to determine the maximum size of their commercial real estate loans.


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Topics: Debt yield ratio

Commercial Loans From Life Insurance Companies

Posted by George Blackburne on Mon, Nov 9, 2015

Commercial loans from life insurance companies typically offer the lowest interest rates and the best terms in all of commercial real estate finance.  Most commercial real estate loans from life insurance companies have a fixed rate, and these wonderful loans typically have a term of either 5, 7, or 10 years.  The interest rate is usually 25 to 37.5 basis points cheaper than those from any CMBS lender (conduit) or major bank.

Pop Quiz:  What is a basis point?  Answer:  A basis point is 1/100th of 1%.  Therefore 25 basis points is one-quarter of one percent.

By the way, in the lingo of commercial real estate finance, a life insurance company is known as a life company.


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Life insurance companies insist on fixed rate loans because they need to know exactly what they will earn during the term of the investment.  They need these precise numbers because they need to be sure they can meet the death benefits promised in their life insurance policies, based on their actuarial projections.

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Therefore most life company loans have a lock-out clause for the first half of the loan (the first five years of a ten-year loan).  A lock-out clause is defined as an absolute prohibition against prepayment.  Suppose you win the lottery.  You walk into the life insurance company's office, overturn a wheelbarrow containing $5.2 million in cash, and then proudly march out.  Three days later you get a certified check in the mail for $5.2 million (less this month's payment).  "Sorry, sir, but you are NOT allowed to pay this loan off early."

For the remaining half of the loan term almost all life company loans have a defeasance prepayment penalty.  A defeasance prepayment penalty is defined as one where the borrower is required to go out and buy a series of Treasury bills and bonds that will provide the lender with the exact same stream of incoming payments, plus any balloon payment.  There are defeasance companies which will buy and assemble these securities for you.  The thing to remember about defeasance prepayment penalties is that they are HUGE.  Think of the largest prepayment penalty that you have ever encountered and then multiply by twenty.  Ouch!!!





Life insurance companies are looking for the following types of commercial loans:

  1. The commercial loan must be secured by one of the four major food groups - which is just commercial mortgage lingo for (1) Multifamily; (2) Office; (3) Retail; or (4) Industrial.

  2. The property should be either brand new or in pristine condition.

  3. The property needs to be located in a primary location.  A primary location is one of the very best locations in a gateway city in terms of traffic count, accessibility, and affluence of the neighborhood.  You will rarely find a life company lending in a city of less than 200,000 residents.

  4. The loan amount must usually exceed $5 million.  You will occassionally see life companies making commercial real estate loans as small as $3 million, but these small deals are usually made on properties leased on a triple net basis to some incredibly strong tenant, like Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, or some other national credit tenant.  A national credit tenant is a company rated BBB or better by Standard & Poor's.

  5. Life company loans rarely exceed 55% to 58% loan-to-value.  They are designed for deals where the buyer is exchanging into the property with an enormous down payment.



"Gee, George, those are some pretty tough requirements to meet."

Most of us could live three lifetimes and never run across a commercial real estate deal suitable for a life company.

But don't panic.  If you use to apply for a commercial real estate loan, you can apply to a dozen conduits and banks at the same time you apply to a half-dozen life insurance companies.  If the life companies all turn you down, the conduits will probably do your deal at just a slightly higher rate.


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Loans on Gentlemen's Clubs and Politically Incorrect Properties

Posted by George Blackburne on Sun, Nov 1, 2015

A bank is never going to finance a gentlemen's club, which is just a fancy term for a nudie bar.  Nor would a bank finance an adult bookstore or a lingerie and marital aid store.  Can you just visualize the headlines?  First Neighborhood Bank Forecloses on the Pink Feather Lounge!  Bank Vice President seen collecting the cover charge at the door.  This is NOT gonna happen.  Ha-ha!

The owners of such establishments, along with the owners of medicinal marijuana facilities, will usually be forced to borrow from private money (hard money) lending companies.

For those of you who think that I am some depraved sinner, it is important you appreciate that over the past 35 years, we have financed six churches.  Every one of these loans defaulted, and we took a huge loss on each one.  Actually that's incorrect.  We once made a $1.5 million loan on a free and clear church in a nice area of Texas.  When this loan defaulted as well, it turned out that the pastor had stolen the money to originally buy the church from his former church in Detroit.  Our private investors were in litigation for three years, but they eventually came out whole.  Needless to say, we are not a big fan of church loans.

At Blackburne & Sons, we actually prefer loans secured by gentlemen's clubs, adult bookstores, and other politically incorrect properties.  We have made twenty such loans over the years, and we have never taken a loss on one of them.  Usually they are cash cows.


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We are actively looking for new loans on politically-incorrect properties right now.  We just put a $1.1 million loan on a gentlemen's club in Detroit (scary area) out for sale to our private investors, and the entire loan sold out in a day and a half.  Our private investors understood the concept that boys will probably always enjoy looking at pretty girls.  They absolutely ate this loan up.




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Now if you were reading carefully, you probably noticed something.  Blackburne & Sons does NOT use a mortgage fund to fund its deals.  Instead, we syndicate every loan.  On a $1.1 million loan, we might have as many as 30 different private investors, and the group of private investors in each deal will be different.

"But George, if you have to syndicate every loan, doesn't that mean you will take longer to fund a new loan than a competing hard money lender?"

Yes, it does.  It might take us a week longer to fund our loans because each participating private investor has to send in his check.  It can be a pain in the tail sometimes.

Blackburne & Sons actually has its own mortgage fund, but I absolutely hate the concept.  Huh?  Why?  Every ten to fifteen years commercial real estate is hit by a depression, where commercial real estate falls by 45%.  When commercial real estate values are crashing, every hard money mortgage fund in the country is absolutely swamped with withdrawals.  They are forced to stop making new loans because they have no liquidity.  Every penny of liquidity is spent returning money to panicky investors.  They are completely out of the market.



Sons, please remember this.  During commercial real estate depressions, real estate falls by almost exactly 45%.  Certainly it has every time in my lifetime.  (Confused?  I write this blog to teach my two sons everything I have learned in my 35 years in the business.  I have a bad heart, and I was in the cardiac intensive care unit of the hospital twice in the past two weeks.  These wonderful blog training articles cannot continue forever.  I'm just sayin'...)

Everyone, here is why this matters to you.  Here is why you want to be the best friend of my two sons.  Blackburne & Sons was the ONLY commercial hard money lender to be in the market to make new commercial loans every day of every year of the Great Recession.

We can always find first mortgage money from our filthy rich private investors - even when blood is running in the streets.  It's just a matter or price.  And if you can find commercial mortgage money during a horrible depression, you can charge a huge loan brokerage fee.

So if you are a surviving veteran of the commercial mortgage brokerage industry, you definitely want to develop a relationship with Alicia Gandy (our biggest producer who is affectionately known as the Loan Goddess), my son George IV, or my son Tom.

Why are relationships so important?  The most important lesson about commercial real estate finance that I ever taught my sons was that commercial lenders make loans for their friends.


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Industrial Real Estate is the Hottest Commercial Property Type

Posted by George Blackburne on Mon, Oct 26, 2015

Industrial_BuildingIn late 2014 I wrote a blog article suggesting that industrial real estate was heating up, and I gave my reasons.  Apartments have enjoyed sensational appreciation for the past several years, but an investor looking to invest in commercial real estate in 2015 doesn't want last year's winner.  He wants to invest in that type of commercial real estate which is going to perform the best in the next 12 months.

This week I flew to Las Vegas for the California Mortgage Association's semi-annual training session for hard money mortgage companies.  The conference had a number of speakers, but by far the most entertaining and informative speaker was Luis A. Belmonte, the gentleman who gave the economic outlook for the upcoming year.  Mr. Belmonte is a former partner in Lincoln Properties and formerly the Executive Vice President of AMB Institutional Realty Advisors, the asset manager for 15,000,000 square feet of industrial property throughout the United States.




Mr. Belmonte made some very interesting points.  First of all, he remains bullish on multifamily due to the fact that leading edge of the children of the Echo Boom generation - the grandsons and granddaughters of the Baby Boomers - have reached the age of sixteen.  Soon these 80 million Americans will be forming new households, and they will need apartments.

Office space, in his opinion, is still greatly overbuilt.  The office space vacancy rate in most cities remains in the mid-teens.  Rents are going nowhere.  Retail space - he wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. is eating retail's lunch.




But then he got to industrial space.  "Industrial space is the best type of commercial real estate in which to be invested today."  He gave a number of reasons:

  1. There has been almost no new construction of industrial space for eight years.

  2. Absorption of industrial space is outpacing new construction in almost every major city.

  3. Wages in China have increased dramatically in recent years.  It's not that much cheaper to manufacture goods in China anymore.  [George's note:  The Boston Consulting Group maintains a cost index for the various counties, and China is only 4.5% cheaper than the U.S. right now, mainly because our natural gas / energy costs are tiny compared to the rest of the world.]

  4. But then he gave a reason that rocked my world.  "For every two square feet of retail space that the internet makes unnecessary, the U.S. needs one square foot of warehouse space" (for internet retailers to store their products).

End of article.

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Topics: Industrial Realty is Hot