Get Cheap Commercial Loan Leads

There are two ways to work with C-Loans, Inc. to get cheap commercial loan leads.  (1) The first method is the one suitable for all commercial mortgage brokers.  You pay just pay just $1,000 per year in order to receive, on average, one to five commercial loan leads per business day from ("CMDC").  

(2) The second method allows you to buy dirt cheap commercial leads from; but it requires a minimum net worth of $750,000, a credit score of at least 700, and a very impressive CV in commercial real estate finance.  Very few commercial mortgage brokers qualify.  I'll explain why we are so hard-nosed at the very bottom of this page.  

Cheap Commercial Loan Leads For Mortals ("CMDC") is a commercial mortgage portal that competes directly against  Please note that C-Loans, Inc. owns both of these portals.  The sites have different lenders, and we get paid differently. is a very popular commercial mortgage portal because it is far easier to use than C-Loans.  We ask the user just six questions, as opposed to thirty questions on C-Loans.  In addition, CMDC boasts of 3,159 commercial lenders, far more than the 750 commercial lenders to be found on


Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at 7.00.12 is 100% free to use by borrowers and brokers.  Banks and credit unions get a free listings on CMDC, so the portal is stuffed to the gills with banks and credit unions.  No other types of commercial lenders get a free listing.  We pay heavily to promote the site.  Because the portal is 100% free, it generates an impressive volume of commercial loan leads.

The cost for a commercial mortgage company to be listed on CMDC is $1,000 per year per loan type.  The available commercial loan loan types include permanent loans, bridge loans, construction loans, SBA loans, USDA loans, and mezzanine loans. For example, if your hard money mortgage company makes both permanent loans and bridge loans, the cost to receive permanent commercial loan leads would be $1,000 per year, and the cost to receive bridge loan leads would be another $1,000 per year.

Any time your profile shows up on the Lender List, you will receive a copy of the lead by email, so you are not reliant on the borrower either calling you or emailing you.  When a deal closes, you do NOT owe any fee to C-Loans, Inc.

You will receive these commercial loan leads instantly, so you can often catch the borrower while he is still sitting in front of his computer.  Here is what a sample lead looks like:

Screen Shot 2018-11-01 at 1.34.44 PM

The cost of $1,000 per year is absurdly cheap.  If you average a lead and a half per day (some days you'll get five), that works out to less than $1.84 per lead!  And remember, if you close a loan, you do NOT owe a penny to C-Loans, Inc.

When you buy leads from, the leads will be exactly what you are seeking.  If you try to advertise on your own, you're likely to get leads like a $42,000 bridge loan on a commercially-zoned house in Detroit or a $2 million mezzanine loan on a parking garage in Maine.

"This sounds great, George, but can I get even more leads?"  No.  I spend over $100,000 per year on advertising to direct traffic to and to generate these leads.  This is all the leads we have.  We will soon reach a point where we can no longer accept more leads buyers.  (Please wake up and read that last sentence again.)  New lead buyers will have to go on a waiting list.

Important Disclosure:  We do NOT sell permanent loan leads and bridge loan leads of less than $1 million.  There are reserved for Blackburne & Sons, my own hard money shop.  Blackburne & Sons dos not make SBA loans, USDA loans, or construction loans; so lead buyers can buy these leads, even if they are smaller than $1 million.


Lender List



Why You Must Not Fiddle Abound:

Do you see the the section above entitled Recommended Lenders?  Blackburne & Sons will be listed first, if the loan is in our sweet spot.

After that, the order depends on how soon commercial mortgage companies sign up.  Red Star Mortgage, for example, was smart enough to be the very first commercial mortgage company to send in its dough, so on permanent loans of greater $1 million, Red Star Mortgage appears first!

We just started selling placements on on November 1, 2018, and already a number of commercial mortgage companies have sent in their dough.  Red Star Mortgage was the fastest, so they own the top spot.  The second lender to send in its dough is now listed second, and so on.  You should assume that there are there are a number of lenders listed higher than you; but remember, you get a copy of every suitable lead instantly, so you are not dependent on the borrower calling you or emailing you.

There is always a sort of race going on, so the sooner you sign up, the higher up your commercial mortgage company will appear in the Recommended Lenders section.  As times goes by*, you will find yourself marching higher on the list.  For example, next year, if Red Star doesn't renew, then the #2 lender moves into the #1 spot, and every renewing lender moves up one place.  Sadly, the life expectancy of the typical commercial mortgage company is less than two years, so you will march relentlessly towards the top of the list, as long as are sure to renew annually.

Fair warning:  If the site takes off, and some new lender offers me $1,500 per year, he grabs the #1 spot.  I will probably just go up in $500 increments.

"Okay, George, I like the idea of commercial leads for just $1.84 each.  What do I do?"  

First, please complete this form to tell us the types of commercial leads you are seeking.

Then, please send your check or wire, made payable to C-Loans, Inc., 4811 Chippendale Drive, Suite 101, Sacramento, CA 95841.  The absolute smartest among you will just call in your payment to our Accounting Department using your credit card.  Justine Manzo is our Controller, and her number is 916-338-3232.

Remember, there is a bit of a race going on.  Don't you wish you had been first?

Questions?  Call -

Tom Blackburne
General Manager
4811 Chippendale Drive, Suite 101
Sacramento, CA 95841
574-210-6686  Best
916-338-3232  Office


Cheap Commercial Loan Leads For Supermen


Let's suppose you have a history of making at least $400,000 per year in this industry, you have perfect credit (a credit score of at least 700), and you have a net worth in excess of $750,000.  If so, you are invited to click here.  Fair warning:  We are going to bust your chops with documentation, and we are quite content to go years before we approve another person to buy our commercial leads for just $1 to $9 each, plus 37.5 bps. on closing.  Why have we become such hard-nosed bums?  In the past we sold our leads to average-income commercial loan brokers, and they cheated us 90% of the time on closings.  When they closed one of our loans, they were supposed to pay us a closing fee of 37.5 bps.  Now we only do business with Rockefeller's.  

* This is our - the Blackburne Family of Commercial Mortgage Companies - 39th year in business.  This means that we survived the S&L Crisis, the Dot-Com Meltdown, and the Great Recession.

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