Join C-Loans Immediately. There's Nothing to Sign. Just Tell Us Your Commercial Lending Preferences.

To the right you'll see a little form where we will collect your commercial lending preferences. In the Lending Area field, please type in the counties where you will lend, or type in a general region, like, "Within 75 miles of St. Louis" or "Northern Kentucky." Over time, working together, we'll later make any minor adjustments that still need to be made.
Next we get to Acceptable Property Types. If you're a typical bank, you don't have to click on every possible property type. Simply click on the button, "Typical Bank Properties." Or you can leave that box unchecked and check only those property types on which you are actively lending.
*Life companies, conduits, banks, and agency lenders pay just 25 bps. on closings larger than $5 million.
Joining C-Loans Can Change Your Life!
There are a number of loan officers on C-Loans who have closed more than 40 commercial loans for us each.
How is this possible? Lenders on C-Loans appear on our Suggested Lender List according to how diligently they work our leads and according to how many loans they have closed for us. Since borrowers tend to pick the lenders at the top of the list, the more loans you close for C-Loans, the more loan applications that are likely to see. If you can close a couple of loans for us and pull closer to the head of the pack, you'll receive far more applications than your co-workers and buddies.
Soon this becomes a feed-forward system. Since you receive more loan applications, you close more loans, and because you close more loans, you receive more applications.
The Great Recession is long over now. Banks are now getting back into commercial lending. After all, there is eight years worth of pent-up demand for commercial mortgages sitting there unplucked. If you are a superstar on C-Loans, there could come a time when you might be courted by headhunters, working for hungry banks anxious to jumpstart their commercial lending divisions. In any case, being highly ranked on C-Loans certainly can't hurt your chances of being hired by a new bank.
Maybe this will help you to truly understand: Go onto to Google and do a search for "commercial loans". On page one, we usually have three or four of our web pages. Do a search for "commercial mortgage rates." We typically jockey between the first or second organic search result. Do a search for "commercial lenders." We are usually #1 on page 1 of Google.
By the way, C-Loans, Inc. pays nothing for these listings. They are organic. Google seems to appreciate our 450 pages of good content.
Websites owned by C-Loans are everywhere on the internet. We own (Mr. Blackburne paid $100,000 just for this domain name),,,,, and hundreds of others. You definitely WANT to become a superstar on C-Loans.
And here's a wonderful secret: To our surprise, C-Loans did NOT turn out to be a rate-bidding contest. No-no-no! It turned out to be more of a race. The first banker with reasonable rates to reach the borrower usually wins.
This means that any loan officer - even one with only so-so rates - can be very successful on C-Loans.
We stopped adding to our list of banks who have closed commercial loans for us in 2006. After opening it, you'll see why.